Try Not To Be Put Off By These Hygiene Tips From The Past

Published on 09/11/2019

Dying People Became Edible Medicine

Mellification is the name of the Arabic process that turned a dying person into a mummified candy bar. It started before the person even passed away! They donated their body and began eating an all-honey diet. When they passed away, they placed the body in a stone coffin full of honey for as long as a century. The “mellified man” would be unearthed and consumed by the living as a treatment for a number of ailments. This tradition became so big that 16th century China even adopted it.

Dying People Became Edible Medicine

Dying People Became Edible Medicine


Early Toothpaste Was Disgusting

Did you know that toothpaste is a pretty modern invention? However, people also had to clean their teeth in the past. During the Middle Ages, toothpaste was created with burnt rosemary and mint, so it was not that bad. However, it was a lot worse during the Roman era. The Romans allegedly made mouse brains puree to clean their teeth! The Ancient Greeks, meanwhile, used crushed oysters. Ancient Egyptians preferred crushed pepper and salt.

Early Toothpaste Was Digusting

Early Toothpaste Was Digusting