Who Would Have Thought You Can Fix These Problems With A Can Of WD-40?

Published on 04/29/2019

Guarding Bird Feeders

A birdfeeder is called by that name because it, well, feeds the birds. However, there are times when other animals take advantage of it and eat everything they see! If you are having a squirrel problem, simply use WD-40 to grease it up and the birds will be much happier in no time.

Guarding Bird Feeders

Guarding Bird Feeders


Removing Rings

In many cultures across the world, rings are symbols of a lifelong commitment. This is a common practice, but you should still have the ability to put it on or off as you wish. We won’t ask why you want to put it off, we are only here to offer some advice in the form of WD-40.

Removing Rings

Removing Rings