Nope, there’s no need for a face lift or any cosmetic surgery to correct those pesky dark, raccoon looking circles under your eyes! We compiled five incredibly simple tricks you can do right now to get rid of dark circles under your eyes. You’re welcome.
Change your diet:
If you’re the victim of exaggerated puffiness under your eyes, which then of course casts a prominent shadow under your eyes, it’s time to dig into your diet. Foods that are salty and also alcohol will cause extreme bloating, therefore if you cut these out, your skin won’t puff. Furthermore, an ounce a day of flavonol-rich dark chocolate and foods filled with omega-3 fatty acids like salmon and walnuts could improve the blood flow to the skin, claims Lisa Drayer, a registered dietitian in New York City. Not bad!

Change Your Diet
Cool tea bags:
No need to throw away brewed tea bags, instead place the tea bags in the refrigerator for around 10 minutes to cool off, then simply lay down and set the bags over your eyes. As you’re “forced” to relax for about 15 minutes, the cool tea bags will begin to relieve the skin around your eyes, which reduces swelling and discoloration. Like we said, really no need for cosmetic surgery, folks.

Cool Tea Bags
Stop rubbing your eyes:
Friction is known to cause skin pigmentation to darken, so if you’re one of those people who is constantly rubbing their eyes, now you have a clear cut reason as to why you should cease and desist.

Stop Rubbing Your Eyes
Sleep propped up:
When you lay down flat, fluids actually build up underneath your eyes. Therefore you need to prop yourself up with an extra pillow or two in order to correct the situation. With the addition of a pillow, fluid drains down and takes away the excess from the eye area.

Sleep Propped Up
Get a retinoid cream:
Retinoids are especially perfect for the area around your eyes. Why? Because they promptly help to even out any discoloration and furthermore will boost collagen to reduce fine lines. Your skin will appear smoother and brighter after continued regular use.

Get A Retinoid Cream